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i´m the musical touch with a sweet and salty flavor

bye bye sun

Apr 1st @ 5:24pm EDT

today was a good day with soi many sun, iwas happy but now the day change,,,, In Colombia the weather change all is cold i need a somebody that hot me now in my room

new shoes

Mar 31st @ 5:30pm EDT

immm hapyyyy todayYesterday i bught a new shoes for me, is for make treking and walk on the mountains with my frieds. Colombia has very diferents places to visit. My shoes are ready for the aventure.... and yoy, maybe do you want play with me my new aventures?


Mar 29th @ 5:08pm EDT

"chite" i s good band that like me so much, is a punk rock from Colombia. Today i wake up listen "Chite" My question for you is: Do you want listen punk with me, and what bands like ....

a sad weekend

Mar 28th @ 4:56pm EDT

the friday i was in the Stereo Picnic with my friends. Is a music festival in Bogota, Colombia.We going to see and listen to foo fighters, and 20 minutes before the show the new say thatTaylor Hawkings dead. was a terrible for me, im still sad. :( this is my sad news of weekend.please hug me now

dog fight

Mar 18th @ 5:28pm EDT

today in the morning my 2 dogs fight between them. my skin is scratched and i need a kiss for fell good. mayb edo you want givme a kiss now in my room :)

morning show

Mar 17th @ 12:45pm EDT

guys today i must play in my room in the ornig because i have class in the afternoon. i hope that you can be with me. :)

rain rain and more rain

Mar 14th @ 5:18pm EDT

heyyyy guysi wanna say that i have so much cold because in my city rain yesterday rain, today rain i dont like when rain; but everythings have a good thing. if i a m cond you can hot me ... hahahahahhaha who want hot me?


Mar 12th @ 10:52am EST

guys yesterday in the night i was sick, i ate something thtat dont b egoob for me. i hope be better today. but nedd someone who consents to me in my trasmision, maybe you can ...... :)

a ggod day for....

Mar 9th @ 7:21pm EST

guyssss let me see your bodys, let me see your dicks; i wanna see all today. hahahahah today wake up with visual hungry. come on enjoy togueter :)

Pantera day

Mar 2nd @ 6:32pm EST

hey guys, today is a moemt for keep rocking but now PANTERA, they ar emy favorites bands of the world and the history, come on to my room is time to good music with good show pussyyyyyyyyy .....i will be waiting youuuuuuuuuuuuu


Feb 3rd @ 4:16pm EST

today i listen new music for me; i like offspring but never lsiten a album "ixnay on the hombre" i think that the rason i am very young today and this album is of 90s but is very good. is the musical recomendation for today.... listen it:) keep rocking my friends


Feb 2nd @ 3:50pm EST

today i wak eup very happy, i have nice dreams and hot wet dreams; you understand me :) today in my room the red color for my skin is a good option of outfit

good music for today

Feb 1st @ 4:10pm EST

today i wann alisten caifanes, i s agood band o r spanish rock of Mexico, i listen caifanes when i was very young and still listen now. is m y recomedation for today


Jan 28th @ 6:04pm EST

guys is a good day for fell happy, my day is perfecto. you are awesome for me. kisses and hugs


Jan 26th @ 4:54pm EST

i send kisses kiss in the ass, kisses in the dick , kisses in the body, kisess and more kisses. my question is who want kiss me now in my room, mmmmmm i hope that somebody want kiss me :)


Jan 25th @ 4:01pm EST

today i wanna make greetings for my friends in the page, buenos dias, buenas trades, buen dia, hola, hola ahhahahahha spanish class with aly.... foloow me for more advices


Jan 24th @ 5:39pm EST

This morning I told myself that I wanted to wear different clothes for my friends on the page. Today I have a new black t-shirt with seeds, I hope you like to take it off.... I wait for you

ilike red color

Sep 20th @ 7:02pm EDT

the red color is my favorite for this place, with the color black. What do you think about his ?

bom bom bum

Sep 17th @ 6:47pm EDT

do you kwon what is bom bom bum heheheheheh. is a candy with buble gum thtA YOU CAN SUCK, I LIKE SUCK, maybe somebody want to that i suck your dick,,,, :) visit my room for more information

im sad

Sep 16th @ 7:48pm EDT

guys yesterday i have problems in my schooll, yesterday was a hard day for me. but today is another day and will be excellent. thanks for you that visit me and play with me. you are awesome

a good weekend

Sep 14th @ 7:04pm EDT

todayh i wanna tell you aboutmy last weekend, was wonderfull because i go to my friends to dinner and after go to dance togueter. In my country the partys are very exiting and interesting. was awesome. :)


Sep 11th @ 3:45pm EDT

guys today i wak eup with a headache, i need aq good sex for fell beter, maybe somebody want help me now in my room


Sep 10th @ 4:49pm EDT

today is friday and my body kwon it ehehheheheh i wanna leave in the night for take a some drinks, i need a break, this week was very bussy


Sep 7th @ 4:41pm EDT

today is a great day for all. welcome to my room and enjoy togueter

good wishes to all

Sep 3rd @ 5:40pm EDT

I want to wish all my friends on this page a great afternoon and send them a big hug with a kiss on the buttocks

good day

Sep 2nd @ 10:37pm EDT

thanks for all guys that paly with me in this palce, is very especial for me. today was a wonderfull day

hot day

Sep 1st @ 10:08pm EDT

is a cold night in my city, but today in the afternoon was a hot so many sun. My city has a estranged weather status. :) maybe swomebody want to hot me in this cold


Aug 28th @ 4:44pm EDT

i return to my roo i ready for the m this week, i was sick but now i ready for the show.... lets go with me now.MAybe my leg pain a little but im happy for stay here again

week love

Mar 30th @ 12:30pm EDT

this week in my country is a moment for make a love with a men strong with your dick in side me..... delicious

rain rain rain

Mar 27th @ 5:27pm EDT

today rain in my city, i wanna sun but now is only rain. my nipples are big and strong


Mar 16th @ 11:56am EDT

lets go to make love in the aier.I fantasize about a man who makes love to me on a plane in the air


Mar 15th @ 11:46am EDT

The university is an incredible place to learn, but this platform is incredible to meet hot and fiery people

pussy hot

Mar 4th @ 9:45am EST

My pussy is hot, she wants to fuck and feel a very delicious cock that gives her all her milk


Mar 2nd @ 10:45am EST

Last night I was a dancer in a burlesque bar and a man from the public was asking me out. He took me home and we made love all night

I can not believe it

Feb 25th @ 9:35am EST

Daft Punk broke up and that makes me very sad. Many years of very good music. I grew up listening to them.

to travel on a cruiser

Feb 23rd @ 10:22am EST

I imagine myself crossing the Atlantic sea on a lonely cruise with a naked man and his very big cock that I feel whenever I want


Feb 22nd @ 2:05pm EST

i like ride horse, but is more interesting a strong and hard dick......


Feb 20th @ 9:09am EST

tonigh a litle mosquito I spike my butt, and don't let me sleep. now scratch the skin on my tail

i like coffee

Feb 17th @ 11:14am EST

i like coffeeIn the mornings in the afternoons, at all times having coffee is an option that I like because it also turns me on and makes me hot ... when I drink coffee it makes me want to do naughty things with someone

sunny day

Feb 16th @ 10:28am EST

today is sunny day, yesterday rain all time. today is a happy time :)

saturday sick

Feb 15th @ 11:33am EST

sick saturdayguys on Saturday I woke up very sick, my stomach was pain me. But today I am very well and full of love


Feb 13th @ 10:22am EST

i like make arepas. my arepas are very delicious and very healthy. and my other arepa is delicious.


Feb 13th @ 10:22am EST

i like make arepas. my arepas are very delicious and very healthy. and my other arepa is delicious.


Feb 13th @ 10:21am EST

i like make arepas. my arepas are very delicious and very healthy. and my other arepa is delicious.


Feb 12th @ 9:48am EST

this mornig i cook "arepas" is similar to omeletee. is a popular food in my country.... you can with corn. is a circle plane. in popular language and with double meaning they say to the pyssy arepa. It's fun language in my country. Do you want eat "arepa" my arepa hahahahahhaha

thaks so much

Feb 6th @ 10:52am EST

guys you are perfect you make me happy all days in this place. i wanna contine play with your togueter

my new dress

Feb 4th @ 8:54am EST

today i wear a new dress for playing on line

in my bed

Feb 2nd @ 11:28am EST

last nigth afeter class, i was in my bed very tired but very hot. my fingers play with my pussy faster and slow for 1 hour. today i wanna mas hehehehhe

chemistry love

Jan 30th @ 10:29am EST

From today I will investigate how chemistry works in the amot and the arousal of the clitors. it is a very interesting topic


Jan 28th @ 9:25am EST

i wanna candiescandies of colors on my body, for somebody eat them and use your fingers in my sweet pussy

pleasure time

Jan 27th @ 10:34am EST

pleasure timetime to touch metime to masturbatetime to feeltime to get turned ontime to make cumWill you join me in my happy time?

big dig

Jan 26th @ 10:22am EST

I dreamed that a great man had a great cock that excited me to the point of making me come several times. It was huge and hot every time it entered my vagina I felt my interior move and it filled me with milk little by little

a bonfire of love

Jan 25th @ 10:44am EST

I dreamed that we went for a walk in a forest, the rain appeared and we had to run to a cabin. With wet clothes we had to light a fire and take off our clothes to put them to dry, we hugged each other because of the cold and little by little we began to feel each other's bodies until we finished making love in the firelight. Today I woke up very romantic


Jan 23rd @ 9:52am EST

This morning while I was in the shower, I masturbated again, this week every day in the shower I have done it, it is very delicious and gives me energy to start the day very well

wet dreams

Jan 22nd @ 12:34pm EST

last night I had wet dreams ... I wake up very wet and my fingers started doing mischief for a long time in the morning, after going to the shower and I didn't feel like it and again I did mischief with my fingers ... I still want to of more mischief

cherry pie

Jan 21st @ 10:04am EST

i love this song i love this guitar is a great song for dance and sing togueter. Do you want play my cherry pie? :)


Jan 20th @ 11:15am EST

Every time I look at my strong and big nipples I like them more and more and I want them to keep sucking them until they make me come, you want to try them

hand bra

Jan 19th @ 10:48am EST

i like use my hands so bra in my boobies, when I put my hands on my breasts my nipples get very hard and when they are hard I want someone to lick me


Jan 18th @ 10:48am EST

I like watch porn in the night, while i stay in my bed i use my fingers and my dildo. i took my body and is posible that i make cum..... do you like porn? do you want wathc porn with me? try it

new fantasy

Jan 15th @ 9:48am EST

i wish make love in a car on moving, in the nigth while he is drivign i ut my wet pussy on your dick..... he run more faster and i more wet. in the end we park in a park and finished. Something crazy

red red red red

Jan 13th @ 10:58am EST

today i wear a red dress for my friends and followers. i think that the red color is good for me because my skin is a complement to this color, the same of the black color

scene tv porno

Jan 12th @ 10:04am EST

last night i was watching porno and had a fantasy. In the rain a handsome men enter to my window because he want a hot drink. The rain had wet him. I undressed it to dry it and make love all night. Was awesome. In th emornig he leave


Jan 5th @ 6:07pm EST

today is a raining cold day and i have cold in my bones, i wanna hot chocolate. maybe sombody can givme chocolate with his milk very hot for me....


Jan 4th @ 2:08pm EST

This new year will be awesome for allthe las year was dificult but this is betterhugs and kisssee you online

happy new year

Dec 31st @ 9:36am EST

i wanna send a big hug and big kissyou are especial you are awesome.In the new year we go to play much timebye bye 2020 today finishedwelcome 2021

new year

Dec 30th @ 2:16pm EST

Tomorrow is the end of this hard year. I hope so that all enjoy with families and friends....

time to play

Dec 29th @ 9:02am EST

i wanna play togueter youi wanna walk togueter youi wanna eat togueter youi wanna sleep togueter youi wanna wake up togueter youall togueter with yoummmmm :)

romantic dinner

Dec 28th @ 11:53am EST

imagineYou and me in the romantic night. The candlelights arround us while you take my hand. after eat a delicius food. You kiss me and we make love all night..... owwwwww sound good

merry chritmas

Dec 26th @ 9:50am EST

For all for all your families and friends Merry chritsmas for all. Is a good time . Love and kisess


Dec 23rd @ 10:20am EST

Christmas is near, tomorrow is a good night for me....

iam more happy

Dec 16th @ 11:33am EST

definitely this page is very special, and its magical place where I have a lot of fun and learn more and more from all the people with whom I communicate

red balls

Dec 15th @ 9:21am EST

i like the red balls in the christmas tree in my home, the red and green on december. i like red balls in all ehehhehehhe you know?

month 1

Dec 12th @ 12:52pm EST

my first month in this place . im so happy because has been a extrem nice experiencie for me. Stay all days with you guys, talking and playing tohueter.... thanks so much a iloveeeeeeeee


Dec 10th @ 11:17am EST

this palc eisn awesome, i don´t know that this was great. All days meet interesntign people, all days i meet handsome boys, all days i enjoy especial momentos of pleasure...... thanks for all guys

was amazing

Dec 9th @ 3:37pm EST

the clandlelight night was wonderfull. my family, my neighbors, the, food, the drinks and the candlelighs arround of the houses, is very nice and beautifull moments to remember

candlelights tonight

Dec 7th @ 1:30pm EST

Today in the night the people of my country celebrated the candlelights night. Is a celebration for share and enjoy a nice dinner or toast with friends or family. The people light colored candles around the doors and windows of houses and have good whises. I very beautifull im happy today

ice cream

Dec 5th @ 5:14pm EST

Today is saurday, a perfect day for enjoy a good ice cream in the park, i like the cchocolte ice cream because is the better for use on my nude body. Somebodu can use his tongue and enjoy chocolate body

sunny day

Dec 4th @ 12:18pm EST

mi city has a sunny day, after two weeks of only rain all time, is perfecto for go to walk with friends and visit a restaurant or bar. i like beer

i wanna feel wet

Nov 26th @ 9:56am EST

today i wanna found a good men that use yourd hands in my buttocks, and them yours fingers inside in my pussy. Your fingers again again and again inside me. i just think it and hot me

day 3

Nov 25th @ 10:56am EST

Today is my third day in thi splace, is awesome, is wonderfull meet diferent people arround the world. Interesting people for talking, for laugh, for learn, for playthanks so mucho for visit me.

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